John Schellnhuber is one of the world's most influential climate scientists. Not only has he acted for years an advisor to the German government (and Angela Merkel) on climate matters, he was also the the principal climatologist advising Pope Francis during the writing of the Encyclical.
If advising the pope and national government's wasn't enough, Schellnhuber is also famous in climate circles for another reason - he's the scientist who first forwarded the now internationally accepted 2-degree target as the global red-line that shouldn’t be crossed. He's also the founder and current director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (or PIK). We spoke with John Schellnhuber about the birth of the 2 degree target, what it was like working with Pope Francis, and why climate change has become an essential moral question. Listen to the interview above, or just subscribe to our podcast in iTunes.
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